110 A SELSAN started sonobuoy development in order to meet the requirements of the Naval Forces and propose an alternative source to foreign products. ASELBUOY sonobuoys will be able to be launched from maritime patrol aircraft and surface ships alike, operating reliably in both scenarios. While developing and testing Sonobuoys that passively detect acoustic pulses and submarine threats, in parallel primary design of active sonobuoys are carried out. ASELBUOY T he Acoustic Tracking and Capture System is a passive sonar with a transducer that can receive emergency sonar beacon signals at 360 degrees and a monitor that displays the received signals as bearing information. A SELSAN Submarine Intercept Sonar was developed by the company’s own resources in order to provide torpedo threat information to ZARGANA Submarine Torpedo Countermeasure System. ASIST detects acoustic transmissions, monitors the direction of transmissions and analyses acoustic transmission characteristics at 1-100 kHz frequency band for various acoustic sources such as surface ship sonars, helicopter dipping sonars and torpedo sonars. ACOUSTICAL DETECTION AND TRACKING SYSTEM ASIST SUBMARINE INTERCEPT SONAR SONARS