294 B attery Command and Control Centre (BKKM), is a mobile truck mounted military shelter system that comprises Fire Control Units (FCUs) and Air Defence Radars which are integrated. BKKM operates in coordination with Air Defence Early Warning and Command and Control Systems (HERIKKS) or operates autonomously. Battery Command and Control Centre (BKKM) comprises integrated command and control units, air defence BKKM B attery Command and Control Operation Centre (BKKHM) is a military base which controls Fire Control Units (FCUs) and Pedestal Mounted Air Defence Systems (PMADS ZIPKIN) while operating autonomously or in coordination with higher echelon units. Battery Command and Control Operation Centre (BKKHM) comprises integrated command and control units, air defence weapons, communications equipment and air defence system software. These integrated systems are interoperable and can be combined to form a system within the command- control chain. BKKHM controls at least 4 Fire Control Units (FCUs) and at least 4 Pedestal Mounted Air Defence Systems (PMADS) ZIPKIN. BKKHM weapons, air defence radars, communications equipment and air defence system software. These integrated systems are interoperable and can be combined to form a system within the command- control chain. BKKM controls at least 3 Fire Control Units (FCUs) and operates in coordination with Air Defence Early Warning and Command and Control Systems (HERIKKS). COMMAND, CONTROL, INFORMATION SYSTEMS and NETWORK - CENTRICWARFARE